Chapter List for the New Book

The chapter list below reflects the current draft of the book. Please note that the final publication may include modifications to chapter titles, order, or content.

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Digital Accessibility

Chapter 2: The Importance of Inclusive Design

Chapter 3: Common Barriers in the Digital World

Chapter 4: The Business Case for Digital  Accessibility

Chapter 5: Legal Landscape: ADA and Digital Accessibility

Chapter 6: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Simplified

Chapter 7: Mobile Digital Accessibility Basics

Chapter 8: Social Media and Digital Accessibility

Chapter 9: Document Accessibility Essentials

Chapter 10: Video and Audio Content Accessibility

Chapter 11: Color and Contrast in Digital Accessibility

Chapter 12: The Dangers of Overlay Solutions

Chapter 13: Digital Accessibility and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Chapter 14: User Testing and Feedback

Chapter 15: Creating a Digital Accessibility Statement

Chapter 16: Training Your Team on Digital Accessibility

Chapter 17: Working with Digital Accessibility Professionals

Chapter 18: Focusing on the IRS Digital Accessibility Tax Credit

Chapter 19: Future Trends in Digital Accessibility

Chapter 20: Taking the First Steps