How to Get Started

We're excited to help you make your online presence accessible to all users. Our streamlined process ensures a smooth transition to an inclusive digital environment. Below, you'll find a step-by-step guide to getting started with our digital accessibility services.

Start by scheduling a complimentary call to discuss needs and goals

Depending on your digital accessibility needs, we'll be talking about the following

1. Service Selection

Choose the appropriate digital accessibility service package.

2. Proposal and Quote

Receive a detailed proposal and pricing quote.

3. Agreement

Review and sign the service agreement.

4. Project Kickoff

Participate in an initial meeting to set expectations and timelines.

5. Website Access

Provide necessary access to the website or digital products.

6. Audit Process

Allow time for the digital accessibility audit to be conducted.

7. Report Delivery

Receive a comprehensive digital accessibility report.

8. Review Meeting

Discuss the findings and recommended actions.

9. Remediation Plan

Agree on a plan to address identified issues.

10. Implementation Support

Receive guidance during the remediation process.

11. Final Check

Conduct a follow-up audit to ensure all issues are resolved.

12. Ongoing Support

Set up a plan for continued digital accessibility maintenance.

Digital Accessibility Statement

Our digital accessibility journey often begins with crafting a comprehensive accessibility statement for your website.

This crucial document, linked prominently in your website's footer, demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and outlines your ongoing efforts to enhance digital accessibility.

More than just a formality, a digital accessibility statement serves as a powerful tool in fostering transparency and goodwill.

It communicates your awareness of digital accessibility issues, details the standards you're striving to meet, and provides channels for users to report challenges they encounter.

Importantly, having a well-crafted digital accessibility statement can often deter potential legal issues by showcasing your proactive approach to digital inclusion.

It's not just about compliance - it's about opening your digital doors to all users and building trust with your entire audience.